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Cross-platform Single Page Applications with ASP.NET Core 1.0, Angular 2 & TypeScript – chsakell’s Blog

ng-conf 2016 Summary – Day One

Angular 2 best practices: Change detector performance

Angular 2 Series – Part 5: Forms and Custom Validation

The Best News from Angular’s ng-conf 2016 | Scotch

Towfeek Solutions AB | Upgrading to Angular 2 RC1 from beta – lessons learned

Electron all the Angular 2 Things – One Hungry Mind

Upgrade Your App to Angular 1.5 Components and Beyond!

Things that Excite Me about Angular 2


Tero Parviainen

In the past six months or so I’ve spent a good amount of time playing with Angular 2. I’ve built some fun projects and given talks about them. I’ve written some documentation and had lots of discussions with other people who are doing that. And I’ve written a couple of articles too. I thought this might be a good time to sum up what I find exciting about this platform right now.

Source: Things that Excite Me about Angular 2

The post Things that Excite Me about Angular 2 appeared first on angular.org.il.

angular/material-start at es6-tutorial

18 Amazing open source Angular projects — Mybridge for Professionals

‪Visual Studio Code Tutorial for Beginners‬‏ – YouTube

About object-oriented design and the “class” &“extends” keywords in TypeScript / ES6


A few weeks ago I found an interesting article titled In Defense of JavaScript Classes. The article exposed some concerns about the class keyword in ES6 / TypeScript: These days it feels like everyone is attacking classes in JavaScript. Developers… | Wolk Software Limited | A group of young and ambitious people dedicated to creating cutting-edge applications in combination with beautiful and functional design.

Source: About object-oriented design and the “class” & “extends” keywords in TypeScript / ES6

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Angular Router | Victor Savkin


Managing state transitions is one of the hardest parts of building applications. This is especially true on the web, where you also need to ensure that the state is reflected in the URL. In addition, we often want to split applications into multiple bundles and load them on demand. Doing this transparently isn’t trivial. The Angular router is designed to solve these problems. Using the router, you can declaratively specify application state, manage state transitions while taking care of the URL, and load components on demand. In this article I will discuss the API of the router, as well as the mental model and the design principles behind it. Let’s get started.Outline What Do Routers Do? URL Parsing and Serialization Accessing URL Tree Route Recognition Powerful Matching Syntax Component Instantiation Using Params QueryParams and Fragment Using Snapshots Navigation Imperative Navigation RouterLink More on Syntax Navigation is URL Based, not Route Based E2E Example SummaryWhat Do Routers Do? Before we jump into the specifics of the Angular Router, let’s talk about what routers do in general. As you might know, an Angular 2 application is a tree of components. Some of these components are reusable UI components (e.g., list, table), and some are application components. The router cares about application components, or, to be more specific, about their arrangements. Let’s call such component arrangements router states. A router state defines what is visible on the screen. The router configuration defines all the potential router states an application can be in. Let’s look at an example.[ {path: ‘/team/:id’, component: TeamCmp, children: [ {path: ‘/details’, component: DetailsCmp}, {path: ‘/help’, component: HelpCmp, outlet: ‘aux’} ]}, {path: ‘/summary’, component: SummaryCmp}, {path: ‘/chat’, component: ChatCmp, outlet: ‘aux’}] which can be depicted as follows: An outlet is the location where a component will be placed. If a node has multiple children of the same color, i.e., of the same outlet type, only one of them can be active at a time. Consequently, the team and summary components cannot be displayed together. A router state is a subtree of the configuration tree. For instance, the example below has the summary component activated. The router’s primary job is to manage navigations between states, which includes updating the component tree. A navigation is essentially the act of transitioning from one activated subtree to another. Say we perform a navigation, and this is the result: Because the summary is no longer active, the router will remove it. Instead, it will instantiate the details component and display it inside the team component, with the chat component visible on the side. That’s it. The router simply allows us to express all the potential states in which our application can be, and provides a mechanism for navigating from one state to another. So now we’ve learned what routers do in general. It’s time to talk about the Angular router. The Angular router takes a URL, parses it into a URL tree, recognizes router states, instantiates all the needed components, and, finally, manages navigation. Let’s look at each one of these operations in detail.URL Parsing and Serialization The URL bar provides a huge advantage for web applications over native applications. It allows you to reference states, bookmark them, and share them with your friends. In a well-behaved web application, any application state transition results in a URL change, and any URL change results in a state transition. In other words, a URL is a serialized router state. The first thing the router does is parse the URL string into a URL tree. The router does not need to know anything about your application or its components to do that. In other words, the parse operation is application-independent. To get a feel of how this works, let’s look at a few examples. Let’s start with a simple URL consisting of three segments./team/3/details// is parsed into the following URL tree:UrlSegment(path: ‘team’, parameters: {}, outlet: primary) -> UrlSegment(path: ‘3’, parameters: {}, outlet: primary) -> UrlSegment(path: ‘details’, parameters: {}, outlet: primary) As you can see, a URL tree consists of URL segments. And each URL segment contains its parameters and its outlet name. Now look at this example, where the first segment has the extra parameter set to true./team;extra=true/3// is parsed into the following URL tree:UrlSegment(path: ‘team’, parameters: {extra: true}, outlet: primary) -> UrlSegment(path: ‘3’, parameters: {}, outlet: primary) Finally, let’s see the result when the team segment has two children instead of one./team/3(aux:/chat;open=true)// is parsed into the following URL tree:UrlSegment(path: ‘team’, parameters: {}, outlet: primary) -> UrlSegment(path: ‘3’, parameters: {}, outlet: primary) -> UrlSegment(path: ‘chat’, parameters: {open:true}, outlet: aux) As you can see, the router uses parenthesis

Source: Angular Router | Victor Savkin

The post Angular Router | Victor Savkin appeared first on angular.org.il.

Introduction · Rangle.io : Angular 2 Training

Angular 2 services: singletons or not? – Budacode.com Budacode.com

Routing in Angular 2 revisited


Routing is hard. If you’ve followed the development of Angular 2 the last couple of months, especially the router, you’ve probably noticed that there were many different attempts to get it right. We now have a version 3 of the new component router and in this article we’re going to explore its API.

Source: Routing in Angular 2 revisited

The post Routing in Angular 2 revisited appeared first on angular.org.il.

Angular 2.0 RC 2 is OUT

Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart – ts

Animations – ts


Motion is an important aspect in the design of modern web applications. We want our user interfaces to have smooth transitions between states, and engaging animations that call attention where it’s needed. Well-designed animations can make a UI not only more fun but also easier to use.

Angular’s animation system gives us what we need to make the kinds of animations we want. We can build animations that run with the same kind of native performance that we’re used to with pure CSS animations. But we can also have our animation logic tightly integrated with the rest of our application code, where they can be easily triggered and controlled.

Source: Animations – ts

The post Animations – ts appeared first on angular.org.il.

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